Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mexico Trip

On Sunday, right after worship, I’m heading to Mexico with a bunch of young people from the church and two other leaders. We’re calling it a “mission” trip but we aren’t “doing mission work” in the traditional, let’s-go-to-a-poorer-country-and-build-a-house sort of way.

We’re heading to Mexico to experience the joys and challenges of the Mexican people, to learn what life is like for them, and to reflect upon the political, sociological, economic, and religious issues that they deal with.

The program is through the Center for Global Education, and the bulk of our time will be spent in Cuernavaca, with stays in Mexico City, and home stays in an aboriginal community in Amatlan.

To prepare, we’ve been meeting as a group semi-regularly to learn a bit of Spanish (Hola), read about Mexico’s social/political/economic/religious climate, learn about various ways to “do” mission, and just to get to know each other and bond as a group. For me, that has been the best part.

We’ve set up a blog to document out trip. Check it out as we will hopefully be updating it fairly regularly.

Should be exciting! Please pray for us!

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