Friday, October 17, 2008

Five Influences

Erin tagged me to list 5 people living or dead who have influenced me spiritually, so here it goes (off the top of my head and in no particular order)

1. Thomas Merton. I almost became a monk because of him. Or at least because of his writings. The Sign of Jonas and The Seven Storey Mountain still make their ways to my night stand every year or so.

2. Canadian theologian Douglas John Hall. I read his trilogy (also here and here) while on internship and they revolutionized the way I see God active and alive in the world.

3. Composer Arvo Part. The first time I heard his piece Sarah was ninety years old was the first time I truly worshipped.

4. The congregation of Zion Lutheran Church in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, where I interned. Their gentle patience taught me how to be a pastor.

I tag Mick, Sean, and Eric.

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