Saturday, June 27, 2009

Convention Rant

“Why is it that when someone goes to the microphone to gripe about something, they’re usually from Alberta?”

Good question. It was asked last night. And as an Albertan I find that troubling because I see the truth of it. It’s not as if people shouldn’t say what they need to say. But I don’t understand the confrontational posture.

Session went late last night. Lots of discussion on the resolution regarding Palestine and Holy Land. Not to mention a few motions made by some congregations that had the same tone: that the National Church is the enemy; self-seeking and hostile to divergent opinions.

While I have my qualms about how National Church functions, its priorities, and were we’re going, I know that it is not the enemy, because National Church is US. WE set the agenda and steer the ship together.

Another way of saying it is that we’re a family. We’re stuck with each other. Now comes the challenge of actually getting along - or at least trying to.

Luther’s explanation of the eighth commandment says,

“We should fear and love God that we may not deceitfully belie, betray, slander, or defame our neighbor, but defend him, [think and] speak well of him, and put the best construction on everything.”

We might want to revisit this part of our tradition before anyone goes to the microphone.

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